Sandburg’s Interact making a positive difference

Interact Club at the Orland Grasslands with Orland Rotary, Courtesy of Allie Bragassi
November 5, 2022
Sandburg has over 70 clubs for students to choose from. Each club has its own goals and qualities, making it difficult to learn specific information about the clubs that are offered. Interact Club is one of the many clubs at Carl Sandburg High School. The main goal of Interact is to help out the community while developing leadership skills along the way, which also helps students acquire service learning hours along the way.
When asked about Interact Club’s goals, the club’s sponsor, Mrs. Gattuso said, “It’s just to provide community service as a community.”
Interact Club accomplishes its objectives by informing members of upcoming service learning opportunities and how to get involved. The club does projects both at after school meetings and outside of school.
Some of the projects include: making holiday cards for nursing home residents, participating in the school sock drive, and field trips to the Orland Grasslands and Feed My Starving Children.
When asked about her favorite part of Interact Club, Mrs. Gattuso said, “I like being together with the students and doing community service, because community service is important to me. I’ve done a lot of community service, like with my church and with my children.”
One of the notable projects that Interact Club participates in is a field day to the Orland Grasslands on 167th Street and LaGrange Road. At the Orland Grasslands, Interact Club students worked together with members of the Orland Rotarians to help clean up the grasslands. They did this by spending a Saturday morning cutting down the saplings that were preventing the grasslands from thriving. This project has been happening almost yearly and began prior to the 2019-2020 school year, when Mrs. Gattuso took charge of the club.
Not every project the club does is as involved as the Orland Grasslands. During a meeting in October, the club members made Halloween cards for a nearby senior center.
The club meets after school on almost every other Tuesday in room E206. To join Interact Club, there is a $5 requirement fee and a form to fill out. In addition, to be considered a member of the club, one has to complete at least 2 projects per semester.
It is not too late to join Interact, so consider checking them out today.