Sandburg’s Intro to Engineering class, taught by Mr. Komer, attended the IMTS Show. The IMTS (International Manufacturing Technology Show) is a trade show that showcases the latest manufacturing technology, including automation, machine components, software, and more.
Some companies that were showcased this year included :Autodesk Inc., NASA, BIG DAISHOWA, Edge Technologies, Google Cloud and many more. These companies are big corporations and they are the companies that run this world by making the tools that many people need in their day to day life. One company, Zeiss, is a local partner to the semiconductor, automotive and mechanical engineering industries, biomedical research and medical technology, as well as a leading manufacturer of eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses, and binoculars. An employee was at the IMTS showcasing some of their newest technology
A representative from the company said, “As the pioneer’s of science in optics, we continue to challenge the limits of human imagination.”
Students were curious about what it would take to get into Zeiss. The representative said “ Degree wise It depends on what field you’re looking to get into, but in most fields you will most probably just need a bachelors degree to get in.”
What kind of background knowledge do you need to have to qualify for this Field of the company? “ well you would need to have knowledge on mechanical CAD and you will have to know mechanical engineering.”
Another company that was showcased there was Onshape.
There was a woman representative that was there showcasing some of their new technology.
A student asked “What is this company and what do they do?
The representative said “ This is Onshape, it is a CAD software and engineering company”
Another question asked by a student was “What kind of fields are within this company?”
“We have computer sciences, mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, Graphic design and a few other Majors that help other people in other fields.” Said the representative.
Overall on this trip the students were able to take a look at any companies they would like to work for in the future, and possibly make there futures built around, to help build the economy for the future of this country.