Carl Sandburg High School has upwards of 40 staff members who once graduated as Eagles. These staff members range from Mr. Stramaglia graduating in 1975 and journeying back to Sandburg in 2004, to Ms. Maher coming back to teach this year.
Every staff member has their own story and reasons for returning to Sandburg that led them back to the nest in different ways. Ms. Maher, Sandburg English teacher and former swimmer and water polo player said, “The staff here is amazing and welcomed me back in like I never left! I was surprised to see how many teachers still remembered me. I am so excited to be back. It is a special place and I never realized how much I missed it after I graduated.”

Staff members come back for various reasons, but they all strive to live out a new Sandburg experience. Dr. Smith, Sandburg principal since the 2021- 2022 school year, said, “When I was in law school, [I was] like ‘gosh, I don’t know what I want to do’, and I just kind of came back to my time here at Sandburg and like really want[ed] to, as a teacher, recreate the great experiences I had as a student for students I was able to have in my own class.’”

Others came back as a way to complete a goal that they wanted to accomplish. Ms. Yerkes, a Speech Pathologist grad from the University of Illinois in Champaign said, “When I knew the population I wanted to work with, the goal became clear: I wanted to return to Sandburg…I wanted to give back to the community that had such a big impact on my own educational journey.”
Many of the alumni staff feel that there is a strong connection between members of the Sandburg community, and find meaning in allowing students to feel like they have someone or somewhere to go to for assistance. Mr. Murphy explains, “There is something special about the Sandburg connection. Whether it is student-to-student, student-to-teacher, or student-to-community interaction, the Sandburg connection runs strong. The pursuit of excellence is something that still radiates in the hallways, classrooms and playing fields. Sandburg has a great tradition of excellence both academically and athletically that makes us who we are.”

People also believe that student growth, life, and achievement is a big part of what makes Sandburg, Sandburg. Ms. Carnivele, the Department Chair secretary for the Math & Business department said, “I love to see the growth of students from freshman through senior year–to watch them become young adults and find their way. The excitement of the daily experience. The friendships between students and staff.”
Ms. Nerius, an Alternate Education English and Intervention teacher also stated, “I love working with the students at Sandburg. I have learned so much about so many different cultures and people. Because of the students, every day I laugh and have fun and get to enjoy my job.”
Academics and athletics are a huge factor in both student and staff life, pushing them to make a greater commitment to the things that they enjoy. Ms. Jarosik, who is in charge of Operation Snowball and swim guard, describes Sandburg as “a school that has always been and continues to be second to none when it comes to academics, athletics, and all the co-curricular opportunities.”
Mr. Stramaglia, coach of the Sandburg wide receivers, said, “Sandburg means everything to me. My favorite part is just the tradition of being a very good school where you will get a great education if you want one and will be able to compete at a high level in athletics. Being able to say I attended Carl Sandburg High School is a great feeling.”

Teachers and staff have an outstanding amount of care and love for the place at which they work. Mr. Drzonek, one of the AP world history teachers, said, “I love being in the classroom. I hope, and I tell this to my students, I hope they find a job someday that they love. When I walk into my classroom and I’m teaching kids, when I see the light bulbs go off, [or] I see them engaged…to me that’s super powerful, and I love it. I sincerely love what I do, and it’s a great way to spend a lifetime, and I always think about that. I hope they, including you, find a career that you are truly passionate about and love, because I do think that a secret to life is being able to find something that you truly love doing.”
Ms. Allison, coach for JV girls tennis and Varsity Softball also stated, “One of the best parts of now teaching at Sandburg is having the opportunity to teach with some of my favorite teachers who inspired me to want to become a PE teacher and coach. I still feel a sense of belonging with the connections I have made with my colleagues. Carl Sandburg is a special place that has a history of excellence and tradition.”
As students, many of these educators found that their time was best spent doing the things they love. Through sports, music, and classes, they got to find who they were as a person and started to shape their future. Ms. Veleckis, Sandburg’s Orchestra Director, said, “I had some AMAZING teachers here, especially Mr. Steinhardt for literature. Mostly, I spent my time in the music department, in the same spaces in which I now teach!”
Similarly, Mr. Carrier, a strength and conditioning coach said, “I had many outstanding teachers and coaches that helped shape me into the person I have become. When I look back on my experience, I now realize it was a large reason I chose education as a career.”
Teachers and staff put in a lot of time and effort to ensure that they prepare their students for their futures. Ms. Marinello, a teacher in the PALS resource program said, “We’re preparing students for the world that’s beyond Carl Sandburg High school.”
Mr. Joy, a Physical Science and Ecology teacher, said, “My experience teaching at Sandburg has been great. I am grateful for the wonderful students I have and appreciate all the guidance I have received from my coworkers. It has also been truly exciting to be able to coach at Sandburg. Seeing all my students and players grow and succeed throughout the years is why I love it here.”
Ms. Doe, history teacher and student council sponsor agrees, stating, “Being at Sandburg has also given me the opportunity to teach so many amazing students – students who are passionate and motivated to learn and take in all of the high school experiences Sandburg offers.”
All of these staff members have personal stories with the halls of Sandburg. Ms. Ford, a Special Education Paraprofessional, said, “Sandburg holds a very special place in my heart. My oldest niece is a senior this year, My daughter is a freshman, and my youngest niece is [in the] class of 2033. Sandburg is like home to my family and I.”
Ms, Carnivele echoes this family connection, stating, “Sandburg was a logical choice for me. I have five sisters. Five of us went to Carl Sandburg and the youngest went to Andrew, because of zone changes. I also have my own son and two nephews who graduated from Carl Sandburg. It was great to see them every day.”

At Sandburg, both staff and students follow the motto of “We Learn, We Grow, We Inspire.” With this in mind, the Sandburg community has become a stronger and more connected environment. Mr. Smit, a special education teacher said, “We take pride in one another and take care of our own.” That is what makes Sandburg, Sandburg.

As Ms. Allison says, “Blue and gold runs deep within my heart and soul. Once an eagle, always an eagle! ”